Forest holdings management

Forest holdings are managed as part of our total managed entity to guarantee optimal price for timber and cost efficiency in forest management.

The optimal timing of forest management actions is at the heart of our operations. This secures maximized long term value growth for our clients. In well-timed thinning operations the weaker and lower quality trees are removed leaving high quality trees with more space to prosper. With well-timed and executed timber sales we always leave the forests in optimal expected value growth position. We maximize both the sales price of timber as well as value growth of the forest.

We grow versatile forest with also natural seedlings and variation in tree species. This type of forest is highly resistant against forest damage and decay. We favor operations such as high thinning, which increase the rotation period of forests. In regeneration felling the utilization of natural seedlings is preferred. This way the total area requiring reforming and cultivation is kept to minimum. Natural regeneration using seedling felling and shelterwood felling is utilized whenever eligible to limit the total area of clear felling. In forest management our essential guideline is well-timed forestry actions leading to cost efficient operations. Up-to-date forest planning and periodical on-site visits are essential to ensure the optimal timing of forest management operations.

We manage over 120.000 hectares of forest holdings. Totalling to 13 million cubic meters of standing stock and total market value of over 600 million euro.